wchess : voice-controlled chess using Whisper + WebAssembly
This is a demonstration of using Whisper to recognize voice commands in the browser.
The main purpose of this example is to demonstrate the capabilities of whisper.cpp and its application in the browser for voice recognition locally on your device.
You can find more about this project on GitHub.
More examples: main | bench | stream | command | talk |
This is a demonstration of using Whisper to recognize voice commands in the browser.
- Select a Whisper model
- Accept the microphone permission request if prompted
- Hold the button and say a chess move (e.g. "Knight to c3")
- Release the button and wait for the move to be recognized
- Repeat
- "d4"
- "e2 e4"
- "Knight f3"
- "Bishop to b5"
- Model quantization for reduced memory footprint (~42MB)
- Grammar-based sampling for improved recognition accuracy
The main purpose of this example is to demonstrate the capabilities of whisper.cpp and its application in the browser for voice recognition locally on your device.
You can find more about this project on GitHub.
More examples: main | bench | stream | command | talk |
Whisper model:
Status: select model
[The grammar will be displayed here]
[The moves will be displayed here]
Debug output:
The page does some heavy computations, so make sure:
- To use a modern web browser (e.g. Chrome, Firefox)
- Your browser supports WASM Fixed-width SIMD
Build time: fd99ece8 |
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